General entries for the 2011 Brighton Marathon are full. If you would like to run on the Sunday 10 April 2011, please contact one of the charities that have places. You can find these at

Friday 26 November 2010

New York Marathon visit

The largest of all marathons, The ING New York City Marathon, took place on 7th November and some of the Brighton team were lucky enough to pop over and run it!

Arriving on the Thursday before race day, the team checked into their town house hotel and headed straight out for long awaited cheeseburgers and beer. What a treat after a 9 hour flight! (Of course, both Sarah and Holly who were there to run the marathon, declined such sinful treats and begrudgingly tucked into a salad. Poor things.)

As well as being able to do some research, snoop around the official New York Marathon expo, chat with the organisers and take notes on race day, the team also seized the opportunity to go for a jog around Central Park. What a day for it too - crystal blue skies, autumn leaves, city views .... and about 5,000 other runners all warming up for the following day!

Marathon day came around and the nerves started to kick in. A very anxious Sarah and Holly jumped aboard the early morning marathon bus, which ferried them to the start line and the throng of runners waiting patiently in the bitter morning cold.

However, despite the temperature and some rather unappealing cold porridge that Sarah had brought with her (she doesn't recommend it!), the day was beautiful, the atmosphere electric and both girls managed to finish their first New York Marathon. An amazing experience for all of us.

The champagne flowed, smiles all round and we finished off the trip in style in the bar of the spectacular Standard Hotel, with breathtaking views right across the city. Wonderful memories.